Can you believe we’ve never taken the opportunity to “enjoy” Walt Disney World’s Ticket and Transportation Center (TTC)?
As fans of Disney’s buses, boats, and monorails, we just didn’t see any point in taking the time to drive to any of the parks. It’s vacation, after all. Why get stressed out by traffic?
As Annual Passholders, however, we knew that, for us, parking at Disney’s parks would be free. That being the case, we decided to give the TTC a shot this past trip.
For those who haven’t had the experience, the “entry and parking processes” were much less intimidating than we had feared. Once past the Magic Kingdom gate, the route into the lot was well marked by road signs. Hint: pass through the gate and veer to the left!
Once inside the lot (which was a bit of a curved and winding ride), plenty of Cast Members were on hand to guide us to a space. Plus, they also added the extra value of calling out a reminder to Guests to take note of the section and row in which they’d parked. We were in “Aladdin – Row 37”, for example.
Keep in mind, the TTC is split into two areas called “Heroes” and “Villains”. Each of those are broken up into sections named after Disney characters.
Folks, the lot, in total, is HUGE! Thank Goodness we didn’t have to park with Cruella or Mulan! Hey! No matter where you park, thank Goodness they have those handy trams!
In the end, though, the whole experience wasn’t all that bad and one we’re sure to repeat in the future. The moral? Don’t be afraid of the TTC! Even if you do sometimes have to be surrounded by villains!