Welcome to the EPIC Parks Quick Service Finale! VOTE!

Uh, yeah.  EPIC.  What an outstanding Final Four!  In fact, of all the “tournaments” we’ve ever run, this might be the best Finale we’ve ever seen!  I mean, look at it.  This quartet could just as well end in a four-way tie!

Seafood versus BBQ.  French bistro versus an unmatched variety of “sun-drenched” choices.  We have it all!  They have it all!

Mmm.  Love me some good BBQ!

Mmm. Love me some good BBQ!

But, which – which, I ask you! – has enough to win the ultimate prize?  Which will become the All in WDW Readers’ Favorite WDW Parks Quick Service?  Hey!  You know the drill … VOTE!

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