Food & Wine’s Words of “Wisdom”?

In “yester-year” terms, Epcot’s Wonders of Life Pavilion “was devoted to health and body-related attractions”.


It’s quite fitting, but also somewhat curious, then, that, these days, its main claim to fame is to house Food & Wine’s festival center.


Photo Oct 04, 9 47 18 AM

After all, the body can’t maintain health without food.  Right?  Now, wine?  That’s another story.

The festival center is a site for cooking demonstrations and celebrity sightings.  Plus, plenty of merchandise can be found available for purchase.

Photo Oct 04, 9 48 45 AM

Photo Oct 04, 9 48 07 AM

And, within its bunch of festival-centric goods and products, one can even find “words to live by”!  Well, they’re words to be amused by, at the very least.  See?



The lesson?  Start your Monday with plenty of coffee.  Plenty.  You won’t get a chance to chase it down with a nice big glass of red wine until much later today.

After all, we have to wait until 5 PM to pull the corkscrew out of the kitchen drawer, don’t we?  Have a great week, folks!  Cheers!

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