A Trip to Epcot’s International Gateway

Good morning, my friends!  Take a “friendly” ride to the International Gateway!  Epcot is waiting for you!

Not quite as long as our video bus ride to Disney’s Magic Kingdom, please take a minute (literally!) and enjoy watching a leisurely cruise to Epcot’s International Gateway.  It’s yet another of our Disney Transportation videos!  See one of the Friendship Boats in action on “All in WDW TV”!

While you’re there, please press the “Subscribe” button to follow All in WDW TV!  Thanks for visiting!


“!Por favor manténgase alejado de las puertas”

Landslide.  Runaway.  No contest.  Call it what you want, but we sure do love our monorail!

Monorail @ the Poly

I’m sitting here this morning, sipping coffee from my favorite cup, and marveling at the overwhelming “beat-down” our beloved monorail laid on the rest of the field on its way to being named the All in WDW Readers’ Favorite WDW Transportation.

Monorail Coffee

Wow!  66.67% of the vote in its group in the 1st Round.  A stunning 72.13% of the vote in the finale – 88 of 122 votes!!  The poor buses and boats never had a chance!

What better way to celebrate than with this?  Click the link and enjoy!

In the meantime, “Please stand clear of my coffee!”  Or, as the cup says, “!Por favor manténgase alejado de mi café”.

Have a great Saturday, everyone!

What’s Your Favorite WDW Transportation?

Good morning, everyone!

As we voted our way through Round 1 yesterday, I received a Tweet from @davemcb1897. That’s Dave McBride – the owner and webmaster of JamboEveryone.com. He said, ‘I would think this is a layup for the monorail.’

Well, if you go by Round 1’s results, I think he might be right on target. The monorail trounced the competition in Group #2. My only thought, however, is that a lot of us figured Haunted Mansion for a ‘shoe-in’ winner of the Magic Kingdom poll last week too. In other words, it isn’t over until it’s over. I Tweeted back to Dave, “Might be the MK ferry makes a run, though.” We’ll see.  The only surprise for me in Round 1 was that …

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What’s Your Favorite WDW Transportation?

We had a fun week last week when we ran the Magic Kingdom poll, so I thought we could head into the weekend with something light – a short and easy poll.  I have always wondered this … what is our favorite form of WDW transportation?

Are you like me?  Do you love the buses?  Yes, I’m in the vast minority, it seems, but I do love those Disney buses.  Yet again, I adore …

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Dining Recon: Sanaa

It’s confession time, my friends. Back in December, I wrote Advanced Scouting Report: Sanaa – Part I. The idea, at the time, was to do a little research and planning in advance of my family’s first-ever visit to Kidani Village’s Sanaa. Notice the “Part I”? Hence, the beginning of my confession. Although I never got around to ‘Part II – The Entrees’, we did get around to eating those entrees.

Our dining experience happened for dinner a few days before …

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